Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Grocery Shopping

What is your favorite grocery shopping advice? A lot of people don't really plan their grocery shopping and end up either buying too much, or too little. If you live close to a grocery store, then this is not a problem. For most people, this is probably not the case. Having an efficient way of doing grocery shopping can save a lot of people time and headaches.

I learned a very valuable lesson on a TV show I saw a while back. Never go grocery shopping when you are hungry. This makes you want to buy more food than you really need and they end up being rotten or expired.

Just because something is a better deal doesn't mean it's the way to go. There are sale tactics that make you want to buy two of the same item because it makes the cost of each less. For example, you can buy a head of lettuce for $0.70 or buy two for $1.10. The mathematician inside us would undoubtedly conclude that getting two gives you the best deal. But if the carnivour inside us can only tolerate so much salad in a week, the second head of lettuce might end up rotting even before the first one is completely consumed. So the end result is a loss of $0.40. I wonder what the mathematician inside you will think now. It really depends on how fast you think you can consume the food, and how long the food will last.

Having said that, there are always exceptions. There are food items that


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